Let me just start this post with how much I admire this lady! She is a huge inspiration in my life and it was an absolute honor for her to chose me to photograph her wedding. The weekend was so chaotically relaxing. I know doesn’t make sense right? Well anyone who was there would completely understand what I mean!

I think every little girl has this dream wedding that they can’t wait to have some day with their prince charming. The perfect wedding… Well Brit definitely planned her dream wedding but mother nature sure did have other plans for her. Friends and family came from all over the united states to be a part of this wedding. The morning of the big day it started down pouring and let off no sign of giving up. So Brit was faced with the choice of moving inside her venue or fulfilling her dreams of a wedding with her toes in the sand…



Have you ever just sat down and tried to figure out where in the world time has gone?  WOW was 2011 a great year or what?!? It was a very big year for me professionally as well as personally and I hope that 2012 brings just as many amazingly positive changes to me.

I was checking out my blog and trying to figure out what I would like to different this year and said to myself  ‘Geez Monica why don’t you actually post your sessions!?!?!?!” So I started to make a list of sessions I was going to back date and post and wow yeah I was just creating more work for myself so I have decided to just post my favorites from 2011. They are in no particular order and if a picture from your session didn’t make it please don’t take it personal. I absolutely adore every single client and image I create and if it wasn’t for all of you I would not be able to pursue my dreams. So here is my THANK YOU to each and every single one of you for your love and support. Thank you for allowing me to capture some of the most precious memories of 2011!




Introducing the Christmas in July Special!

Today is exactly 5 months from Christmas! I know, I know… it is still grillin’ and swimming weather here in Georgia but it is never too early to be thinking about your photos for the holiday season.  Let’s face it we will probably be dealing with this heat until well around Christmas!  So this year do something different and come have your family portraits taken by Monica Eusebio Photography.

I have put together my very first Christmas in July special and you do not want to miss out on this offer. There will be a limited number of sessions taken and only a few days to pick from.



This special can be used for whatever occasion. Two of the dates will be held in beautiful downtown Savannah and the other two will be held in the Hinesville, GA area. Please email me at info@monicaephotography.com to schedule your session!  If one of these days doesn’t work for you mention this post and you can take $50 off my signature session fee.



If you’d like to order cards from Monica Eusebio Photography using an image from a previous session, the deadline for card orders is December 1, 2011.

Custom-designed 5×7 2-sided flat and 5×5 trifold cards are both available from Monica Eusebio Photography. Individual high-resolution files are also available for purchase.


Even though it is not officially summer, it sure feels like here in Georgia! This year I have a lot to celebrate! I want to share my excitement with a summer mini session. I have never offered these before! These sessions will take place on weekday evenings throughout the months of June, July and August. Locations can be in Hinesville or the Savannah Area. Beach Sessions are an option but will be an additional $50 fee.

Summer Mini Sessions are 30 minute sessions for up to 5 family members and include an online gallery containing a minimum of 10 images. You will receive a $100 print credit to use towards your order after the session. Prints and collections will be reduced 20% for the mini sessions, after discount prints start at $32 and collections at $288.

Availability is limited and restricted to weekday evenings in June, July & August. Bookings will be based on first come first serve. The full fee is due upon booking to reserve your preferred evening. Cannot be combined with any other offer.

To schedule your session contact Monica at 912-335-3708 or info@monicaephotography.com


I had the pleasure of meeting Fin and his momma in Savannah last week. He was such an adorable little boy and FULL of energy. I don’t think he stopped moving the entire session ( don’t let the pictures fool ya!)